POCSO Committee
All children have as equal right to access education in an environment that is safe, protective and conducive to the overall development. The challenges of gender inequality, eve-teasing and sexual abuse in school environment call for increased awareness and creating synergy among parents, teachers and school.
In order to ensure strict compliance of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Committee (POCSO) Act 2012, CBSE has taken several initiatives and actions for creating awareness about sexual exploitation among school children.
The committee will take appropriate and necessary action on reported cases of misbehaviours of sexual offences in the school premises.
The Role of School Authorities and Teachers
School authorities and teachers play a vital role in preventing child sexual abuse.
SJSVK creates an environment that is safe and secure for children, where they feel comfortable to openly discuss any issues or concerns they may have.
By providing education on the topic of child sexual abuse, school authorities and teachers help to raise awareness of the issue and empower children to protect themselves.
Additionally, school authorities and teachers alert to signs of abuse and take appropriate action if they suspect that a child may be at risk. Here are a few responsibilities of school authorities and teachers in actively contributing to this cause:
1. Draft a Child Protection Policy
It is the duty of school authorities and teachers to protect their students from sexual abuse. They can do this by drafting a child protection policy that outlines the procedures to be followed in case of an incident of abuse. The policy should include a reporting mechanism for incidents of abuse, as well as a clear list of prohibited behaviours. It should also specify the roles and responsibilities of all staff members in relation to child protection.
2. Take Proactive Measures to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
There are many things that school authorities can do to prevent child sexual abuse.
- CCTV cameras, as well as warning signs, must be installed in all strategic areas of schools.
- Monitor the activities of staff members, visitors, and strangers to ensure their child's safety.
- Always keep an eye on who the children are leaving with.
- Monitor any activities that involve photographing children, using photographs of children, using the internet, or using technology on school grounds.
- Thorough background checks of faculty before they are hired to ensure there are no previous records of sexual abuse as an offender.
3. Organise Awareness Sessions
- Organise student awareness sessions to teach children about the concepts of good touch, bad touch, and sexual abuse.
- Children should be able to tell someone if they have been sexually abused.
- Schools should conduct regular sessions on personal safety that cover topics such as body parts, online safety, and abuse protection.
- Students should feel comfortable asking questions and sharing any concerns they may have.
- Staff should be trained on how to handle disclosures of abuse, they should be trained on the provisions of POCSO Act and their responsibilities and understand the importance of keeping children safe.
- Parents should also be given information on how to support their child if they have been abused.
4. Responsibilities of Teachers and Parents
- It is the joint responsibility of teachers and parents to ensure the safety of children from sexual abuse. They need to work together to create a safe environment for children to learn and grow.
- Teachers should be able to identify the signs of abuse and know how to respond if they suspect a child is being abused.
- Parents should be able to talk to their children about body safety, establish boundaries, and monitor their children's activities and relationships.
- Both teachers and parents need to be aware of the policies and procedures in place at their school regarding child sexual abuse. They should know who to contact if they have concerns or suspicions about abuse. They should also make sure that their own behaviour toward children is appropriate and respectful.
What Precautions Taken by SJSVK to Prevent Abuse?
- Firstly, it is important that all staff members are aware of the signs of abuse and are trained in how to deal with any concerns that arise.
- Secondly, the school have a clear policy on child protection and safeguarding, which is regularly reviewed and updated.
- Thirdly, there is a regular communication with parents about the importance of keeping children safe from harm.
- Finally, the school provides age-appropriate sex and relationships education to pupils, which includes information on how to stay safe from abuse.
POCSO Guidelines in SJSVK
- We have a School Complaints Committee to register all the issues.
- Anyone who witnesses or suspects child sexual abuse, or who learns of an incident from children, reports it to the Committee.
- We have also installed a complaint/suggestion box in the school for students to submit written complaints.
- The committee acts immediately on any child sexual abuse complaint received through the complaint box or otherwise.
- The school should have appointed a full-time counsellor. They inform the children about this service's availability and encourage interaction between the counsellor and the students.
POCSO Guidelines for Teachers
- Teachers should be sensitive to the needs of children and should create an environment where children feel safe to disclose any form of abuse.
- Teachers should also be alert to any changes in a child's behaviour or appearance that could indicate abuse.
- In case a child discloses abuse, teachers should immediately report the matter to the concerned authorities.
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Committee (POCSO) re-constituted as under follows: