The Curriculum is based on CBSE directives and NCERT course. All aspects of academics are taken care of with due emphasis on interactive learning. Theory and Practical are given due importance.
The curriculum is designed to give students an in-depth mastery of the academic disciplines and applied functional areas. The curriculum gives students a balance of theoretical and practical knowledge that facilitates a learning environment where students learn, analyze and apply — rather than merely know. We emphasize on creating a connect between learners’ spiritual, ethical, social, cognitive, mental and physical growth and development, nurturing individuality and thus enhance one’s innate potentials and developing scientific outlook and transformative competences, in order to meet the demands of changing society.
Assignments, SEA and Weekly tests are given to pupils, on periodic basis. Pupils are also assessed on their Life skills, Social skills, Non -Scholastic areas like Discipline, Soft skills etc.
Note: Eligibility to write the exam and consequently promotion to the next class etc is strictly as per the guidelines issued by the CBSE from time to time.
“No child is left behind” - To ensure that all students learn and reach their highest potential, SJSVK designs a systematic curriculum that focuses on.
• a logical, analytical and critical thinking
• ability to apply problem solving ability
• positive thinking
• self confidence
We use different techniques to help children for retaining information and strengthening their understanding levels. Our teachers follow:
• activity oriented teaching
• experimental learning
• use of Technology
The CBSE envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that will engender excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. The Board is committed to providing quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among its learners. It works towards evolving a learning process and environment, which empowers the future citizens to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society. The Board advocates Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation with an emphasis on holistic development of learners. The Board commits itself to providing a stress-free learning environment that will develop competent, confident and enterprising citizens who will promote harmony and peace.
V.M. Chatram, Maharaja Nagar (po), Tirunelveli,
Tamil Nadu, India - 627 011.
Call: 96775 98976
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